Scuba @ Havelock

This program could be opted only if you are planning for Havelock Island visit. You could club this program with other activities at Havelock Island. You would experience scuba diving in a controlled, safe environment. Swimming skills are NOT required for this program.

We leave at 7:30 from dive center by boat to a nice sheltered reef. You get a briefing on what to do and what to expect during the day; then you spend some time doing shallow water skills and getting comfortable with the gear. After that, we go for a dive. A dive professional is in the water with you at all times, and will handle your safety. We are back between 11:30 – 1, typically. Maximum depth of the program is 12m – how deep we go will depend upon your comfort level in the water and the instructor’s discretion.

The dive duration depends on you, your air consumption and comfort level. Typically, it lasts 45 min or longer, but some people are able to extend it to an hour. We conduct the program at a leisurely pace; you are not hurried and if you need extra time to get comfy, you will get extra time to get comfy. This programs are conducted by fully trained dive professionals. You could also take pictures of you underwater and take your life time experience with you.


  • - Approximate Trio Time for Scuba Diving : 2 - 3 Hours.
    - Scuba program depends on weather conditions.
    - Cost for Scuba Diving starts from a range of Rs. 2500/- per persons.
  • - Cost will vary, depends on the seasons.
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